Advanced Neurology Check

28 Parameters Included

Advanced Neurology Check – Parameters:

  • Blood Haemogram (13 Parameters) WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, PLT, DC, RWD-CV, PDW, MPV, ESR
  • Blood Sugar (Fasting)
  • CPK
  • Calcium
  • Alkaline Phosphatase
  • TSH
  • X RAY Cervical Spine (AP & LAT)
  • EEG
  • P Time
  • APTT
  • Superspeciality Test ds- DNA This test detects double-stranded DNA auto antibodies in the blood. It is done when Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is suspected. This is also an Auto Immune Disease marker. If undetected can lead to multi organ failure starting with kidney.
  • Superspeciality Test ANCA This test is useful to know, if there is a chance of vascular organ failure like arteries, etc. getting affected or diseased due to autoimmune disorder.
  • Superspeciality Test Homocysteine An increase level of homocysteine in the blood suggests high risk of heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, and Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Superspeciality Test ANA This test detects the auto antibodies present in an individual’s blood. This is basically an Autoimmune Disease Marker andcan help treatment if detected early from symptoms of body ache, joint pain, etc. Earlydetection can help to prevent damage to body organs in the future.
  • Superspeciality Test VIT B 12 This test measures the amount of vit. B 12 in the blood, which is needed by the body to make blood cells. If not detected early can damage the nervous system.