Liver Problem Major Killer in India – Cause | Symptoms | Tests | Treatment

The Cause – Try Control In today’s fast life many a times it becomes difficult to maintain a very healthy food habit. Some people for many days go through irregular diet and also consume non home cooked food and at times hygiene is also compromised to certain levels.  Around 23 people per 100,000 die due to liver related disease every year in India and it is high compared to many other countries. Some Common Symptoms This can be a major cause of liver gastro related problems that are mostly ignored in the initial stage. In most cases it starts with regular indigestion and gradually moves to abdominal pain, difficulty in swallowing and loss of appetite with many other symptoms.
Liver Gastro Check Up

Liver Gastro Check Up

We Ignore – Be Alert Pill popping and consumption of OTC medicines for acidity and indigestion is common. The indiscriminate consumption of various medicines and self treatment without proper medical advice leads to suppression of problem for some time and then things aggravate till we become alert and rush to specialist doctor. The Precaution – Protect , Prevent , Heal It is best to maintain hygiene and a healthy food habit with timely consumption of food. Pill popping is best to be avoided and in early stage of frequent problems it is best to see a specialist doctor and get required medical tests done, orlese nowadays many Liver-Gastro Check Up Packages are available in reputed hospitals and we can undergo the test package. In case of any problem we are advised to see a specialist doctor for appropriate treatment. The Medical Test Packages – Know it All The medical tests usually come in 2-3 packages like regular, advanced, masters as per number of tests (parameters) , type of tests (example: superspeciality tests) and the cost of packages also differ as per these specifications A regular comprehensive liver-gastro check up package of a good hospital includes tests like
  1. Liver Function Test (9 Parameters)
(Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin, SGPT, SGOT, Alkaline Phosphatase, Bilirubin, Bilirubin (D),A/G Ratio)
  1. GGT
  2. HBsAg
  3. Lipase
  4. Amylase
  5. Blood Haemogram (13 Parameters)
  1. Superspeciality Test
Hepatitis A Virus Igm Hepatitis E Virus Igm Hepatitis B Core IgM Doctor Consultation A comprehensive Advanced or Master Liver-gastro Check Up Package in a good hospital usually Includes
  1. Ultra Sonography (Whole Abdomen)
  2. Liver Function Test (9 Parameters)
(Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin, SGPT, SGOT, Alkaline Phosphatase, Bilirubin, Bilirubin (D),A/G Ratio)
  1. GGT
  2. HBsAg
  3. Lipase
  4. Amylase
  5. Blood Haemogram (13 Parameters)
  1. Superspeciality Tests
Hepatitis A Virus IgM Hepatitis E Virus IgM Hepatitis B Core IgM Hepatitis C Antibody HBEAg + HBEAb Doctor Consultation Useful Information   Avail Comprehensive Liver-Gastro Check Up Packages. Regular @ Rs. 3700/- and Advanced @ Rs. 5500/- Call to Know More and Book 86977 21124 | 83340 31345 | WhatsApp: 86977 21124 |
  1. DESUN REGULAR LIVER-GASTRO CHECK Rs. 3,700/- (29 Parameters)
  2. DESUN ADVANCED LIVER-GASTRO CHECK Rs. 5500/- (32 Parametres)
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