Heart attacks can happen anywhere, anytime... It pays to stay prepared!
Last week an apparently healthy young man of around 24 years died of
heart attack in office. A heart attack can happen suddenly, and during such critical moments, it is very important to act soon to save a life. Heart attack victims can be saved if proper help and medical assistance is made available to them quickly.
It is not just important to know about it, but we should also practice certain drills in our workplace, community or clubs so that we can help our friends, loved ones or people nearby when they actually start experiencing such cardiac conditions. We all should take proper training for checking pulse, checking breathing, giving mouth-to-mouth respiration, etc.
Desun Hospital and Heart Institute is one of the most renowned names in Cardiac Care and we share a precise and effective “Do’s” and “Don’ts” during a heart attack so that you can help a heart attack victim and save a life.
Common symptoms of HEART ATTACK
- Feeling of uneasiness, fullness or squeezing pain in the center of the chest
- Experiencing prolonged pain in the upper portion of the abdomen
- Pain spreading beyond the chest area to the shoulders, neck, jaw, teeth, or one or both arms.
- Shortness of breath
- Light-headedness, dizziness, fainting
- Sweating
- Nausea & vomiting
Common Definition of a HEART ATTACK
When the artery supplying blood and oxygen to your heart gets partially or completely blocked, a heart attack can occur. The reduced or no flow of blood injures or destroys part of your heart muscle. A heart attack, in most cases, is associated with a chest pain for more than 15 minutes, but in some cases such symptoms may be absent.
Early Symptoms of HEART ATTACK
Most heart attack patients get warning symptoms from days or weeks before the actual attack. However, sudden attacks may also happen in some cases. Early symptoms of a heart attack usually include a chest pain when we are working or in activity that subsides while we take rest, regular heartburn, discomfort in the chest area, pain in left, right or both hands and shortness of breath.
- Chest pain during activity
- Difficulty in breathing at times
- Occasional discomfort in chest
- Regular heartburn
Some Precautions & CARE to Avoid Heart Attack
- Regular (at least once a year) General Health and Heart Check-Ups
- Avoid stress, be calm and culture happiness
- Quit smoking, limit alcohol consumption and also avoid self-medication
- Do Not Ignore Health Problems. Consult your doctor as he understands your health best.
- Follow a healthy diet
- Monitor blood pressure and diabetes
- Exercise regularly, control body weight -Brisk walking, Light jogging, Yoga
- Do not get into unnecessary conflicts
- Keep a Medical Emergency Number handy in your cell phone
How Do YOU know someone is having a HEART ATTACK?
- The person may be unconscious or immobile –he is unable to move
- Check if the person is breathing. Check if his chest is rising up and down
- Check the pulse
- Other symptoms are chest pain, pain spreading in arm/s, shoulder, nausea and breathlessness
Immediate HELP in Case of HEART ATTACK before Medical Assistance Arrives
- Do not panic or get tensed. Try to relax (if it is you who is experiencing the attack or if you are helping somebody else)
- Do not leave the victim alone; get around the person
- Loosen all clothes
- If the person has any prescribed medicine, give it if you know about it. (Give Aspirin if not allergic to it)
- Call the Medical Emergency Number
- Give Artificial Respiration (Do take training of such methods and practice at times)
- Start CPR - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (Do try this method if you are trained from qualified professionals or institutes and practice at times)
- Continue till the Ambulance/Medical Assistance arrives.

DESUN Hospital & Heart Institute - Contact for 24 Hour Medical Emergency and Ambulance Assistance
Article Developed in PUBLIC INTEREST by
Desun Hospital & Heart Institute
Rated among the “Best Indian Hospitals” by
The Week magazine
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