Beat the Monday Morning Blues – Read and Stay Healthy-Happy

Wake-Up easy on Monday Morning, Have a Great day at Work. Beat the Monday Morning Blues. Just Follow this for a happy mind and good health. No Stress – All FuN  
  1. Not feeling to leave the bed... Just ThiNk of all the Good things you have in your life, think few... YoU will feel charged. Drink water.
  2. Now you are ready to leave the bed, reach the music player and put on a nice Instrumental or a devotional song you Like. You will be more relaxed.
  3. Take a NiCe shower. Be little slow.
  4. Avoid a oily breakfast, have a light and high energy breakfast of your choice. It can include Milk/tea/coffee – oats/cornflakes/biscuits/breads – always some fruits of YoUr chOice.
  5. Now dress NiCely and waer a good perfume.
  6. Now as YoU go out say a NiCe HeLLo to all with a SmiLe
  7. Now do a GOOD work, think of doing something good for someone you meet today
  8. Enter Your work Calmly, start your work sloWly and then get a stock of things and Start to Move QuIck
  9. Feel Good thiNking of YouR week-end. Talk to people about their week-end and Just feel good.
Mental Stress and denials are a great source of mental illness and bad health. So we ShaRe our experience of years to HeLp yOU be Happy-Healthy-Live Long-Live Strong 

Know How to Beat the Monday Morning Blues

  Article Developed in People Interest by Desun Hospital & Heart Institute