90 5171 5171
All Specialities & Departments
Emergency Services
Rooftop Helipad Service
24 Hrs Ambulance Service
24 Hrs Specialist Doctors
1 Ventilation with Each ICU Bed
Desun Burn Unit
24 Hrs Pharmacy
24 Hrs Diagnostics
Cardiac Care
Cardiac Surgeries
Cardiac Emergency
Cardiac Health Check
Cancer Institute
Surgical Oncology
Medical Oncology
Radiation Oncology
Nuclear Medicine
Pain and Pallivative Care
Burn Unit
Desun Burn Unit
Burn Treatments
Emergency Admission for Burn
Plastic Surgery for Burn
Mother & Child
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Paediatric Surgeries
Frequently Asked Questions
Outpatient Department (OPD)
What are the OPD hours?
Do I need to book an appointment, or can I walk in?
How do I book an appointment?
What documents should I bring for my appointment?
Do you offer tele-consultation services?
Do you accept insurance or health cards for OPD consultations?
What modes of payment are accepted?
How do I cancel or reschedule an appointment?
Can I request a specific doctor for my consultation?
How do I collect my diagnostic reports?
Inpatient Department (OPD)
How do I get admitted to the hospital?
What documents are required for admission?
Can I choose the type of room for my stay?
Is a deposit required at the time of admission?
Can a family member stay with me?
Can I get a summary of my treatment?
What are the visiting hours for family and relatives?
Health Checkups
Treatments & Surgeries
Corporate Patient Care
International Patient Care
Doctor Booking
Health Checkups
Treatments & Surgeries
Corporate Patient Care
International Patient Care
Doctor Booking
Health Checkups
Treatments & Surgeries
Corporate Patient Care
International Patient Care
Doctor Booking
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