Superspeciality Test Anti CCP Ab
This test is used in the early diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). This is a far superior marker than RA Factor, as even if RA is negative for rheumatoid arthritis Anti CCP Ab may be positive and therefore it is used as a “gold standard”.
Superspeciality Test ds-DNA
This test detects double-stranded DNA auto antibodies in the blood. It is done when Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is suspected. This is also an Auto Immune Disease marker. If undetected can lead to multi organ failure starting with Kidney.
Superspeciality Test SCL-70
This test helps in early diagnosis of Auto Immune disorders which, if left undetected can lead to damage of body organs. This test also detects anti-SCL-70 antibodies in blood.