World Hepatitis Day July 28, 2015 – Hepatitis – Quick Read
What is hepatitis?
Hepatitis is inflation and infection in liver
Different types of hepatitis?
There are 5 types of Hepatitis, that includes Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E
How hepatitis infects humans?
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
Contaminated with feces food and water |
Open wounds, blood, saliva, semen , syringe reuse |
Bodily contact, unprotected sexual exposure, syringe reuse |
Open wound, infected blood contact |
Water borne, contamination of food with feces, infected water intake |

World Hepatitis Day 2015
General symptoms of hepatitis?
Feeling feverish
Dark coloured urine
Pale colour of stool
Pain or cramp in stomach area
Sudden weight loss
Yellowish skin and eyes
Tests to determine hepatitis?
Liver function test
Blood Tests
Viral antibody test
Liver biopsy
Prevention of hepatitis?
Consume safe drinking water
Avoid street side food
Avoid ice in drinks (use only ice made at home)
Avoid unwashed (wash very well) fruits and vegetables
Avoid directly consuming raw fruits and vegetables
Use and insist on disposable syringes
Do not use rajors, tooth brush, comb or items on unknown people
Do not touch blood in vomiting, spit
Follow adequate hand hygiene measures
Vaccines are available
How serious is hepatitis?
Hepatitis can be life threatening and needs medical attention. If one experience any one or few of the symptoms need to visit specialist doctors and get tested as prescribed.
It is best to avoid self-medication and only take prescription medicines.
Follow diet as per medical advice.
Hepatitis Awareness Post on World Hepatitis Day July 28, 2015
Where to contact in case of hepatitis or you suspect hepatitis by similar symptoms
Desun Hospital, Kolkata | | 86977 21124 , 83340 31345
Hepatitis Clinic :
Medical Test Packages
Regular Liver Gastro Check:
Advanced Liver gastro Check:
24 Hours Emergency Admission at Desun Hospital, Kolkata also specialist doctors, ambulance assistance in kolkata and districts of West Bengal, 94 bed ICU, 300 bed hospital.