Working Woman’s Office Desk Work-Out for a Good Heart and Healthy You

Reaching office in time, sticking to your computer and leaving work late hardly leaves time for exercising to keep you fit and healthy. Exercising, stretching is very important for a good health, a healthy heart and younger you.
Our study has devised some simple work-outs that you can perform at your work station J
Shoulder: Just rotate your shoulder clock-wise and anti clock-wise 5 times. Then move it up and down 5 times.
Neck: Turn your head Right-Left-Up-Down 5 times

Neck Exercises
Chest: Just push both your arms back and stretch your chest 3 times.
Wrist & Fingers: Extend your hand in front, then hold your fingers with the fingers of the other hand and pull it gently 3 times. Repeat in reverse hands. Stretch your arms and rotate your wrists 5 times, close your fingers tightly and open gently 3 times.
Lower back stretch: Just turn Left and stretch both your arms towards your left. Repeat this with turning Right and arms stretched right. Do it 2 times each side.

Shoulder Rotation
Waist and back: Just twist from your waist gently left hold it for 15 secs and Twist Right holding it for 15 secs. 6 repetitions on each side.
Legs & Thighs: Sit tall on your chair. Now stretch your leg straight and resting the other leg in normal sitting position. Hold it for 10 secs. Then repeat it in another leg. This is to be done 3 times each leg.
Arms shaping: Take your full water bottle. Hold it with both hands and stretch out your arms. Pull it up strait, then, pull it above your head and now pull it back for your triceps. Keep your body straight and sit tall. Do it 5 times.

Leg & Thigh Stretch on Chair
Tummy: Hold your water bottle with both hands and arms stretched. Pull it back and stretch your tummy by sitting tall and straight. Then, come down towards your knee and hold yourself for 5 secs. Repeat 10 times.
Ankles: Rotate your ankles in clock-wise and anti-clock-wise direction 5 times each ankle.
Now take a deep breath, release it gently and just for for a 3 mins walk around your office, floor or station.
Come back to your desk again take a deep breath then release it gently and resume your work

Healthy - Beautiful & In Shape at work
Do not do these exercises with full stomach, during any kind of medical condition that prohibits work-outs for any part or whole of the body.
Written for Benefit of People by Desun Hospital & Heart Institute
Healthy You – Happy You – Live Long – Live Strong