Walking or Running to LOOSE WEIGHT and Get Fit – KNOW the FACTS

Today weight loss and staying fit is a major topic of discussion and people keep on trying various types of work outs to loose weight and stay healthy. It is a big topic of discussion
which is better Running, Jogging or Brisk Walking.
Some facts about Walking and Running
- Our heart rate may go more than double in case of running on a normal average pace of 10-12 km/hr than walking fast at a good pace
Food intake gives us energy and activity spends the energy and so what we eat and what we spend regulates how much we add to our weight or reduce. Running helps burns more than double energy in the same time as walking, so we can be clear on this that Running burns more energy.
- Walking on a track with a combination of inclined (like a bridge) and then again plain and so at a good pace will help burn more energy and so reduce weight loss better.
- Around 20 mins run is equal to a little above 40 mins walking at good pace
Some facts that YOU need to be Cautious
Injury, slow regular stress and injury is a major concern for all people taking up fitness regimes.
- No one wishes to have an injury and get limited movement for few days or get into some kind of long term treatment, so we should take care of facts related to injuries.
- Low impact exercises are exercises that deliver lower stress and impact to our joints, muscles and body, people who are little high on age, starting exercise recently, cardio patients or over weight should avoid Running or Jogging, walking is much better option for them.
- Do not start walking quick as you start, gradually let the body get used to it in few mins and then slowly and uniformly increase pace and reach a point that is little above your comfort ability, stick to it for a few days and then again try to go above it and so on. Take a long term resolution.
- The impact of running on the joints is around 3 times more than walking, so this is a very important point to avoid injuries, get to pace slow, stick to it, get habit and then increase. Give time to your body.
A good mix of walking and running can help a lot, start walking, increase your speed, cover 75% of your distance run around 20% of the distance and then walk the rest, change the ratios over time but try keep it at around 50 % on both sides to the maximum in usual case if not you have transformed into a great fitness person.
DO CONSULT YOUR Doctor before you START exercising and check your body through medical tests to know condition of your body, limitations, heart, lungs and joints. This will help you avoid unnecessary health troubles and keep you fit through selection of right levels of exercises
Article Developed in People Interest By Desun Hospital & Heart Institute
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