Six Common Fruits for Weight Loss and Weight Management

Fruits are great source of nutrients, vitamins and anti-oxidant. A fruit diet once a day will help you to LOOSE WEIGHT, stay FRESH and HEALTHY. Fruits are ideal for weight management programme.
Here are some Fruits that are good for weight management and weight loss

Pineapple: Pineapples are rich with numerous essential nutrients, vitamins, fiber, enzymes, antioxidant, calcium, manganese, potassium and minerals. The fruit is
Free of Fat and Cholesterol. It is a good weight loss and weight management fruit. Pineapple fruit contain more than 85% water and is high in fiber. So pineapple will keep the
stomach full for a long time and reduce the urge to eat.

Watermelon: Watermelons are completely
Free of Fat. Watermelons are rich in A and C, not to mention, B1 and B6, potassium. It helps reduce Blood Pressure and also pumps the body with energy. Watermelons
keep your stomach full to some extent so decrease the intake of food and frequent hunger.

Lemon: Lemons are mostly consumed as juice or you can squeeze half a lemon on your fruit salad or any salad for more taste and great health benefits. Lemons are rich in vitamin C, riboflavin, vitamin B, minerals like phosphorous, calcium, magnesium.
Lemon juice with Honey is a good recipe for weight loss. Lemon is a good weight loss and weight management fruit.

Banana: Little greenish bananas are rich in soluble starches that
speed up the fat-burning process. Raw and green have more starch in them in natural and much active state. Bananas create
fullness in the stomach and when we sip little water at regular interval this fullness stays more so helps us to control our intake and again there is burst of energy that helps us to be active.

Apples: Apples have fiber and watery portion that will help to
keep the stomach full, so it will also control the food intake. Apples are sweet and chewing an apple after meal will help us to
curtail the craving for sweets. Apples are rich in nutrition. Apple is a good weight loss and weight management fruit.

Oranges: A large size orange is less
than 100 calories, whereas the daily intake limit for women is many times higher. So Oranges are
low on calorie, rich in water substance. Oranges are great source of vitamins and helps in
fat bursting. Oranges are a good chew for people who like to munch too often. Orange is a good weight loss and weight management fruit.
Have a combination of
FRUIT-SALAD every day to stay
Happy and Healthy,
Slim and Beautiful. It will
manage your weight efficiently keeping you
full of energy.
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