Protect Yourself from Lightning during Thunderstorms

Lightning during thunder storms, rain or other times can be very dangerous. Lightning is a major killer and chances of recovery after being struck by Lightning are not very high. Children, pets and even adults need to be careful from Lightning.
Most death occurs or people get stuck by lighting in the
places and activities mentioned below (in chronological order of high to low)
- Open fields, Parks, play grounds (more than 50%)
- Under Trees (around 20%)
- Beaches and Boats (around 12%)
- While working with farm machines and equipments (around 8%)
- Standing near open windows, bicycles (around 3%)
- Other outdoor locations

Protect from Lightning during thunderstorms
The Do’s and Don’ts
- During Lightning it is better to get into a low height structure that is strong and well built
- Avoid phones, cell phones, computers, television, tablets and such electronic devices
- Shelter under trees is a very risky choice
- Stay away from windows, other metal objects
- If you are inside a car sit in the middle or away from the metal body (not in contact with the metal parts) then it is safe
- Do not swim or be very close to water
- If you are in a group maintain a distance of 50-100 feet between each other
- Keep a look at your group if anyone has got stuck by Lightning
- lightning crouch”. Squat down with your feet together, your head tucked to your chest or between your knees, and your hands covering your ears or flat against your knees. Do NOT lie flat on the ground, as this gives the lightning a larger target.
This is a difficult position to hold and it by no means guarantees your safety. However, by making it easier for a lightning strike to flow over your body rather than through vital organs, you may be able to sustain a smaller injury from it.
Cover your ears and close your eyes to protect against nearby thunder and bright lightning flashes. Content Credit :
10. Wear rubber boots, take a note of weather alerts before you plan you’re travelling or going out.
Medical Help
Immediately contact your doctor and act as per advice.
Rush to a hospital for emergency medical facility
Content Thanks
Content is People Interest by Desun Hospital and Heart Institute