Impact of Emotion on Health and Heart

Emotion is a strong feelings that a person experiences due to the impact of situations , mood and relationship with others.
Emotions are closely related to our physical health and mental health. Emotional disturbance or feelings of being emotionally disturbed can have certain
negative impact on our health.
Chronic stress can have an adverse effect on the hormone balance and can result in depleting of certain chemicals in brain that are required for feeling happy. Chronic stress and badly managed emotions and feelings can also impact our lifespan in a negative way.
Some usual negative impact on health
- Headaches
- Insomnia or sleep disturbances
- Lightheadedness
- Frequent tiredness
- High Blood Pressure
- Change in eating habits , sudden excess intake or no intake
- Palpitation (feel like the heart is too quick)
- General weakness
- Lack of concentration , accuracy
- Shortness of breath
- Stiffness in neck and body
- Stomach upsets
Not well management of emotion, especially anger can result in heart related problems, high blood pressure, hypertension, weak immunity, infections and slow healing.

Impact of Stress on Health and Heart
How can we help?
Unable to forgive, dissatisfaction and being too rigid at times can make us susceptible chronic stress and emotional disturbance.
So simply by practicing an attitude of forgiveness, having gratitude and developing a flexible thought process people can help them to reduce the impact of negative emotion.
Medical help?
Yes medical intervention under appropriate guidance of doctors and psychiatrists can be beneficial.
If one has suffered or suffering from chronic stress may undergo some medical tests of heart, general health or as per prescription , may also require monitoring of blood pressure, blood sugar levels (for diabetics or hypoglycemic) etc .
Proper intake of prescription medicines is also required.
Psychological counseling, general health and taking help of specialist doctors as per problems of heart, gastro etc is also advisable.
Alternate helps?
Mind training, good diet, yoga, meditation and diverting mind into things we like to do that are relaxing and fun like sports, pursuing a hobby or working for a good cause can also help.
Anger, love etc are common feelings and part of our life that do come with their own share of happiness and sorrow that erupts out of fulfillment of desire and expectation or rejection and not fulfillment of desire etc. this results in development of certain emotional state of mind
that impacts our mental and physical health. It is better to be aware and try to get things under control as early as possible to avoid any major future damage of health.
Health Awareness Post, wish to see everyone happy and healthy. Share the information and help others.