Health benefits of Vitamin C – Food Sources | Deficiency Symptoms | Recommended Quantity

Vitamins are essential for proper function of the body and organs. Balanced vitamin consumption through regular food and supplements is essential. Deficiency of vitamins can lead to various healths related problems that can even turn fatal and also be the reason for attracting many more diseases.
We are sharing a quick to read and easy to remember health benefits of vitamin c.
Vitamin C is very important and we need to intake sufficient quantity of vitamin c for health body and mind.
Quick Read
- Required quantity: 75-90 milligram per day for adults, some studies have shown that consuming upto 500 milligrams of vitamin c is okay for many people if there is no irritation in abdomen. The upper limit is 2000 milligram a day.
- Overdose on vitamin c: it is not a major problem, because overdose of the vitamin may lead to diarrhea and stomach upset.
- How to consume: It can consume through regular food items and also through supplements and pills. Vitamin c rich fruits and vegetables are better consumed raw, cooked or boiled with little water so that there is no significant loss.

Vitamin C - Health Benefits and Importance
Common food items that are good source of vitamin c
The most common and easy is to consume a glass of orange juice, ½-1 lemon a day (regular size)
The other sources are
Green and red pepper
Red cabbage
The health benefits of vitamin c
Vitamin C helps in
management of stress and related problems. It is also good for the immune system. People consuming too much alcohol, smoke or obese may have deficiency of vitamin c.
Vitamin C boosts immunity and so it increases our disease fighting ability. It is a vitamin that maintains overall health. It plays an important role in maintaining healthy
bones, teeth, cartilage and wound healing.
impact of cold and flu in many cases get reduced with vitamin c. Vitamin c also helps in prevention and control of some more serious complications like pneumonia and lung infections.
People regularly consuming enough quantity of vitamin c have much
less chances of stroke. Regularly consuming enough fruits and vegetables that have the vitamin along with other vitamins helps to have health body, heart and mind.
People consuming adequate quantity of vitamin c mostly do not face problems of
wrinkle, dryness of skin and slow ageing of skin and body
Vitamin C also helps in proper
maintenance of all body tissues. The vitamin contributes to the overall growth and wellbeing.
Vitamin C helps in
controlling free radicals that cause cancer, heart diseases and arthritis and many other health related problems. Vitamin c is an antioxidant.
Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid that helps in
proper absorption of iron and formation of collagen.
Deficiency of vitamin c can also lead to diseases like
scurvy, bleeding of gums, weak and loose teeth and anemia.
Consume adequate quantity of vitamin c and be happy and healthy.
Health Awareness Tips by
Desun Hospital and Heart Institute