Common Food that Kills Fat and Help you Stay Healthy

Fat is a major killer; both physical and mental. Being overweight and fat can make you

Eat Right Food to Reduce Fat, Stay Happy and Healthy
depressed of your looks and also is not good for your health.
But, there are some very common food items that kill fat and control our weight.
We share our long experience in the filed of medical and health along with a study on these food items in a very simple format for you.

Eggs Help Reduce Fat
Eggs:Start your day with eggs. Eggs are great to control your appetite and as it keeps lower levels of ghrelin – it is a hormone that increases hunger. Those who have eggs at breakfast feel less hungry throughout the day in compared to those who avoid eggs. Eggs are also a good source of protein and help to build a healthy you.

Oats Helps Reduce Fat & Controls Sugar Levels
Oats:Oats is a great source of nutrition. Oats take time to get digested and keep your stomach full. This reduces your intake. Oats indirectly controls your sugar levels and keeps you calm as it helps in good sleep.

Cinammon Helps Reduce Fat and Controls Blood Sugar
Cinnamon: A common spice, cinnamon helps to burn fat and does not add up calories. Some recent studies suggest that cinnamon helps in metabolizing sugar in body, so it is good for diabetics. Cinnamon in little quantity of upto 1 tea spoon a day will help reducing blood sugar and reduce cholesterol.

Black Beans Helps Reduce Fat
Black Beans: Black beans a common legume is a great source of protein. Black beans contain dietary fibers that help in reducing fat. High fiber intake although sometimes forgotten, legumes can be a good source of protein. High fiber food in many cases has been found an effective in reducing belly fat and thinning waistlines.

Apples Helps Reduce Fat, Controls BP and Cholesterol
Apples: Apples are high in fiber that will make you feel full, so you feel less hungry. High in pectin it combines with water to reduce the amount of fat your cells can absorb. Apples have more goodness, like, it help reduces high cholesterol and high blood pressure. It is rich in antioxidants. 1-2 apples a day is good.
Try it and share more of your experiences with us and helps us do better in benefiting all with more health knowledge.
Article Developed in People Interest by Desun Hospital & Heart Institute
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