Chest Pain Causes

Chest pain is most common and well known symptom that people associate with heart related problem. Chest pain indeed is a major symptom of cardiac problem. But chest pains in case of heart problems are mostly associated with some other symptoms and changes in body like
- Chest pain along with a massive discomfort in chest
- Shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing
- Cold sweating
- Nausea
- Pain can also be in neck region, upper abdomen area, jaws, and in one or both arms. It may also spread to back alongside chest area.
- Quick heart beats
- Sudden fatigue or extreme weakness
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Below we mention some chest pain types that are not symptoms of an impending heart attack within next few hours
- Stable Angina: Sometimes people experience chest pain with physical activity like exercise, climbing stairs or any type of exertion. It can also come after little heavy meal, these can be reasons for a weakening of heart and they may soon experience heart related problems and frequent chest pain.
Angina is heart related condition where people experience chest pain and if it most of the times with little heavy activity or exertion it is stable angina. In some cases it gets relieved with rest and the usual time people experience is upto 5 minutes.

Chest Pain Causes
- Angina pain with warning signals : But with time if this increases and the number of occurrences are more with moderate or light activity it is a warning signal that heart condition have worsened. It needs immediate care and medical attention before it is too late and heart attack occurs.
- Pain in chest wall: People who have increased exercising or activity may experience pain in the chest wall. It may get less over time with change of habit.
- The cartilage connecting to ribs and breastbone may get inflammation and can cause pain. It is mostly due to injury or wrong posture for long time. At times there is not exact reason. It is known as Costochondritis.If it is regular and acute it is better to contact a specialist doctor may be in a heart hospital and get required tests done and undergo treatment.
- Upper respiratory infections may cause chest pain or irritation with burning sensation in chest. It needs medical diagnosis and treatment under specialist doctors.
- Chest pain with burning sensation and followed by rashes may occur before shingles. It is a painful rash.
- Pain in chest region may also occur due to a broken rib, or injury in lung or chest area. This should not be ignored and it is advisable that the person undergoes medical diagnosis and required treatment so that it does not get worst.
- At times the thin layers of tissues around the lungs and chest wall get swelling due to a health condition called pleurisy.
- Heartburn of light chest pain is experienced usually below the breastbone or chest area. This is popular as GERD - Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Medicines treating indigestion, flatulence and acidity help to get relief. GERD should not be ignored and it is advisable to contact a specialist doctor and avoid self medication.
Desun Hospital Kolkata is a superspeciality hospital with 28 medical departments, modern facility for medical diagnosis, latest 4
th Generation Cath Lab for conducting radial (painless) angiogram and angioplasty.
Desun hospital is a NABH and NABL accredited hospital with many medical success stories.
The hospital also have very active and well organized medical emergency response infrastructure with specialist doctors even at midnight, ambulance assistance in Kolkata and all districts of West Bengal 24 Hours 365 Days, Steel OTs, Cardiac OTs, ICU with individual ventilator is each bed and emergency hospital contact numbers that is open on all days. | Call: 86977 21124, 83340 31345 |