65% Burn Victim Saved by Desun – Burn Victim Hospital Impact Story

Recently in a very critical burn case at Desun Hospital Kolkata achieved success when a burn victim was saved with 65% burn. This is a burn victim impact story at Desun hospotal kolkata’s 24 Hours burn Unit. The hospital facility, doctor team and certainly the patient and patient relates contributed, worked hard and spent tensed moments before this major success was achieved. The story is also featured in a leading Bengali newspaper eedition of 25
th October 2014.

ABP 25th October 2014 Page 11
The the entire course of action started when 42 years old resident of Bongaon, Mrs. Ananya Jaiswal was brought to DESUN, she was in an extremely critical condition with 65% burns. Ananya was burned accidentally by crackers while attending a wedding ceremony. There was 45% deep burns on her waist, shoulder, left hand, portion of abdomen along with the face and 20% light burns. Saving Ananya’s life was a real challenge for DESUN’s critical care team as the crucial 48 hours had already passed by; moreover she was obese with 5ft height and weighing 85 Kgs.
On initial screening DESUN’s critical care team found that Ananya had severe complication in infection
(Sepsis and Septic shock), with low blood pressure and saturation level
(amount of oxygen bound to haemoglobin in the blood expressed as a percentage of the maximal binding capacity).

Her haemodynamic
(related with the flow of blood within the organs and tissues of the body)condition was found to be very critical
. She was kept on multiple lifesaving support system like medical ventilation.
Ananya’scondition started deteriorating. Her organs started to dysfunction, in medical terms Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS). She was put on high end antibiotics and toughest infection control in the burn unit as only DESUN has state-of-art burn unit in Kolkata.
Further, her skin grafting was again a difficult task for the plastic and reconstructive surgeon of DESUN because of her obesity as in case of obese patients skin grafting is very difficult due to layers of fat deposited.This is one of the rarest cases of survival for a burn-victim. It was only possible because of the promptness of DESUN’s round the clock team of specialists comprising of critical care doctors, plastic and reconstructive surgeons and general physician.
It’s rare for anyone to survive with 65% burns that too for an overweight patient of 85 kgs, but Kolkata’s DESUN Hospital made it possible.
The state-of-art burn infrastructure of a burn unit at DESUN helped in Ananya’s speedy recovery. She was back on her feet after 16 weeks to go home. Though the recovery was a long procedure but it was a success. After a few follow ups she was found to be back in her normal routine.
- In case of deep burns go to hospital immediately.
- Do not take of the clothing which is stuck to the burn victim.
- Till medical help is received cover the burns with wet sterile bandage.
- Do not put ice or ice water.
- If blisters are formed do not prick them.
- Do not put butter or any ointments on the burns.
- Treatment of burns caused by chemicals and electric should be strictly treated in hospital.
Desun Hospital Kolkata 24 Hours Burn Unit
Care for Burns of all Types / Degrees at DESUN
- First Degree Burns -Involves epidermis (outermost layer of the cells). These types of burns heal without scarring, as for example extreme Sunburn.
- Second Degree (Superficial) Burns -This involves epidermis and superficial part of dermis (The sensitive connective tissue layer of the skin located below the epidermis).These types of burns usually heal with intensive care and frequent aseptic dressings in Burns Unit within 3 weeks with some scarring.
- Second Degree (Deep) Burns -this involves epidermis and deep dermis. These types of burns take long time to heal with appreciable scarring. These types of burns generally require Skin Grafting in specialised Burns Unit.
- Third Degree Burns -- in this case full thickness of the skin including the muscles is burnt. These types of burns require excision and skin grafting in an advanced Burns Unit.
DESUN’s Burns Unit & ICU is well equipped to handle all the above mentioned degrees of burn cases.
Desun’s Burn Team comprises of
- Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
- Physiotherapist to prevent/minimise post burn contractures
- Emergency Medicine Physicians and Staff
- Psychiatrist
- Nutritionist
- Nursing Staff
DESUN Hospital : Kolkata - www.desunhospital.com | 9051715171 , Siliguri - www.siliguri.desunhospital.com | 9051640000