Dr. Piyali Pathak Ghosh is an expert and experienced Psychiatrist. Currently, Dr. Piyali Pathak Ghosh is practicing at Desun Hospital in Anandpur, Kolkata, and is fluent in English, Hindi and provides compassionate care for all patients to ensure complete recovery and strives to provide advanced medical care in a comfortable and holistic environment for all patients coming for treatment. Dr Piyali Pathak Ghosh is a highly experienced Psychiatrist in south Kolkata, providing Metal Consulting services for the past 6 years. She always strives to serve her patients with an unbiased, nonjudgmental, and empathic approach, listening to all of their concerns in detail. She believes that both the patient and their caregivers should have a thorough knowledge of their disorder and the treatment process, so she prefers to discuss all aspects of treatment with them. She only gives minimal medication according to the patient’s specific needs. She keeps in mind the patient’s lifestyle to maintain their routine and adjust the medicines accordingly. She counsels the patient and caregiver precisely and provides proper psycho-education. She believes in patient empowerment and aims to create maximum awareness about mental health issues and psychiatric disorders and to break the stigma in society regarding this matter.