The heart related complications reporting post covid 19 recovery is now increasing in numbers and it is now believed that novel corona virus just not impact the lungs but also impacts heart, brain and may be some other body functions and organs that will unfold with time.
Even among young people in their 20-30s there has been reports of heart related trouble that mostly includes palpitation of heart, fatigue with no such strenuous activity and feeling of short breathing. The aged population or people with preexisting cardiac problems or heart weakness recovered from covid19 are facing more serious heart problems like chest pain, breathlessness and some reports of heart attack, cardiac arrests, stroke has also been in news.
Covid virus impacts the lungs and there is nominal to acute respiratory distress in many cases where hospital support or even ICU support with some days of ventilator support has been required among patients who have survived this pandemic virus.
The heart related symptoms and even chest pain, heart attack and cardiac arrest is mostly result of the inflammation of blood paths of the covid patients, there is also lumping of blood or blood clots that are also playing havoc and cause major cardiac related problems.
Many patients with mild symptoms who have recovered at home with some medication has mild heart related symptoms of general weakness symptoms of fatigue and panting at times.
Covid creates a situation within the body where there is lack of oxygen level and in some cases oxygen support for few days is required and in rare case there is prolong oxygen support required, may can cope with mild lack of oxygen and get back normal levels on their own with few days of medication, rest and diet.
In many cases MRI of heart, echocardiogram showed heart condition negatively impacted post covid recovery for some patients.
Patients with high level of blood sugar (diabetes), high blood pressure (hypertension), other ailments of liver, kidneys, regularly consuming multiple medicines for lifestyle related diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, digestive disorders, liver, kidneys problems in some cases may report heart related problems not necessarily people with preexisting cardiac problems only.
It is important for patients recovering from mild to acute covid symptoms get certain tests done as per general health condition, specific health related ailments, age, gender and most importantly doctor advice. Mostly post covid medical tests for health check includes CBC, CRP, Blood Sugar, Urea, creatinine, sodium, potassium, LFT, ECG, ECHO HRCT chest, Spirometry and there can be specific tests for heart, nervous system as per doctor’s advice. Do consult doctor at post covid clinics for health checkup and stay safe.
Post covid it is still not sure on the time frame of the symptoms to last, so it is best to take medical advice on medicines, supplements, health checks, diet and expert advice on exercises, breathing exercises and other lifestyle interventions to avoid future complications and minimize chances of post covid heart ailments.
Content in people interest for a healthy heart by Desun Hospital