Whole day goes for a toss if the siesta is not right. Especially if it’s a weekday. Isn’t it?In sleep the body recovers itself from daily stress and rejuvenates. A wrong pillow may not be the cause of any problem but it exaggerates the problems like neck pain, stress. We spent 8 hrs a night on a pillow so it’s worth knowing about them.
Broadly pillows are of two types
- Sleeping pillows
- Special needs pillows.
Body pillows: A type of sleeping pillow,whether on bed or on couch, body pillows are perfect for snuggling. The most relaxing one, body pillows can work anywhere if you want to relax. They are designed to reduce the pains and stress of the day. Body pillows impart support to the body it requires during sleep.
Neck Pillows/Travel Pillows:The use of neck pillow with a strong support and good shape helps in reducing chronic neck pain than a regular pillow. In fact it’s far more effective than exercise alone.A neck pillow’s design provides natural relaxing posture for head that maintains the lordotic curve (normal inward curvature of the lumbar and cervical regions) of the spine.
It’s also used during tours that require long hours of sitting like in cars or aeroplanes. That’s why it is also called Travel pillow
Lower Back Support Pillows: A lower back support pillow provides a support for the inward curve in the lumbar spine. Long hours of sitting lacking any lower back support creates muscle tension with discomfort in legs and also the lower back .When used while sitting, this pillow occupies the natural gap between the lower spine and the seat. Lower back pillows are indispensable for cars
Knee Pillows: When these pillows are placed between the knees while sleeping aside, it saves the knees from coming together keeping the spine in the neutral position. If there is no support between the legs, the upper leg rotates downward, pulling the pelvis, and distorting the natural line of the spine. Knee pillows help to heal the knees properly while sleeping.
Water Pillows: Water pillows self adjusts themselves to changes in neck and head positions giving beneficial comfort while sleeping. So, feeling uncomfortable one will not wake up in sleep.
Oxygen promoting Pillows: These pillows help promoting circulation in diabetes patients. Oxygen promoting pillows increase the content of oxygen in tiny blood vessels by up to 29% maintaining proper spinal support. It opens the airway expanding the lung capacity which enhances breathing.
Health Awareness Non Commercial Post By Desun Hospital and Heart Institute